August 31, 2015


Freedom, you give it to yourself 

Compassion, you give it to yourself 

Forgiveness, you give it to yourself 

Dreams, you give them to yourself  

Acknowledgment, you give it to yourself 

You give it to yourself 

Suffering, you free yourself 

Joy, you fill yourself 

Abundance, you allow it to enter 

Love, you crack yourself exposed (or it cracks you) to feel its magnetism

You give it all to yourself 

Tenderness and Self-Acceptance, you give it to yourself

Peace, you give it to yourself 

Nurture, you give it to yourself 

Softness and Grace, you give it to yourself 

You, sweet soul, happen to yourself

Waiting in anticipation for resolve will only block your light. Remove exterior dependencies to fill yourself. Remove your own armor. Allow yourself to be seen. Grant yourself permission to stand as you are, then, will you receive the sweetness of this humanness. 

Only you can give it to yourself. 

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