January 1, 2017


Choose again.
 Begin again.

With your open heart. 

With your brave love. 

Create what you want to see. 

We are free. 

We don't need to compensate for a past that is no longer. 

Start anew. 

Equipped only with knowledge that experience brings. 

Let that be your guiding light. 

This life you have tasted. 

Gather up the art you desire. 

Decorate your world as you've dreamed it. 

You were born for this. 

Not for the life you lived yesterday, but for the breath you are given right now. 

Begin again. 

With every breath, begin again. 

Much Love, 


One step in front of the other.

That's all. 

The rest is not up to you. 

Now go. 

Let that beautiful heart of yours lead the way. 

The universe will say yes, darling. 

Every time. 

All you have to do is ask. 

Ask and show up for your answer.

Much Love, 

Dear Love,

Dear, Love. It is there. We will meet in that space where we don't seek. The timeless place where we don't work or perfect. It is where desire becomes a curiosity without attachment. It is the playground of visions and admirations, free from burdensome results or voids to be filled. A space where I actually forget all about you, love, by the purposeful distraction of living joyfully.

I cannot seek for you when I am pouring my heart onto the page before me, and living in abandon of any time and measure. This holy space, where I give of myself free from the hesitation that judgement brings. You see, it is the same hesitation that has stalled our love. I release it and live in the lightness of experience without strategy. It is where the flow of life captures me and I willingly unravel to its unknowns. There, where love intoxicates my breath, with all of its chaos and uncertainty.

Our art is a rebellious laugh in gratitude that spirit is finally leading the way. It is there, in that space of clearing where we shall meet. Because in that liberation of celebrating what brings us life, we can see for miles. And though we may have exchanged many times in passing, this my sweet, is the sacred space where love becomes, us.


I'm flirting with the notion of falling in love with not knowing.


Today is your day. To those who have crossed my path. The gratitude I celebrate is because of you. You are my friends, and by virtue of your love, my family. Home. 
Today is all about you. Your second birthday. Because this friend would not be where she is without you. And life is particularly amazing with you in mine. 


The healing power of light, surrendered laughter, and untethered love. 

Without your permission, joy evaporates the heaviness. Turning the load of the impossible feat you carried, into nothing else but finding yourself here. Now. 

These moments, no matter how small, have been known to give freedom to hope. They have released the declaration for good! Despite the thick surrounding, giving way to the light still in you is an assured reminder of its shameless power. Joy sends you off with a smirk and a calm knowing, you will move forward. You will take a mightier step, right where you left off. 

I rise

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise.
I rise.
I rise.

     ~ Maya Angelou

I give myself. I extend my hand. I offer my sweat to lift the chins of those who have kept their down for far too long; for those who get through he day to afford their survival.

I offer my gifts inspiring purposeful living.
I loudly brave my heart, bowing to the meaning through my art; i will lift you until you find some through your own.

I give my voice for those who have lost trust on its landing.

I will speak loudly for those whose hearts' whispers have been muffled by posturing speakerphones.

I give myself.

I give my humanity.
Though it's been tested and battered. My spirit stands taller than my bones.

I shall rise above the prostitution of integrity chose for the mirage of safety.

I shall rise above the reaction of fear and the intimidation against equality.

Noise cannot dampen my wings.
It will not disturb my peace.

This thunderous spirit will emerge to meet yours in our healing.

Love will overwhelm to the mind's doubt and to the heart's surmise.

I rise.

Be a Blessing in Someone's Life

Be a blessing in someone's life. 

You will ease any questions relating to your purpose on this planet, when you lead with this intention. You will never know how many living beings have been deeply touched because of you. You may never truly grasp how expansive the wonder you radiate. 

It is not for you to quantify. 

Your magic is sparked by your trust. 

Be a blessing in someone's life. It is the heartbeat of all meaning. 

There, you will find the blessings in yours. 


A question is the birth of a whispered answer, yearning to be seen. 
It will appear. 

Let Silence find you. 

Or better yet, be so overwhelmed by noise, yours or external, that you seek the richness of quietude. 
Allow my restless mind to find peace so that my heart may speak its purpose. Oh gentle heart, remind me that opening is the only way to see and to be seen; to love and to be loved. 
It is the epicenter of our existence. 

In the despair of the discomfort, remind me that my body responds as it is told. 
In silence, the whispers of intuition can melt the brick and mortar I carry around as a body. Noise makes for heavy wings. And flying deems a lightness and a conviction, leaning into the unknown; leaning into those relentless winds. 

Embody your questions and brave an answer. Hesitation delays our experience of your medicine. Radical love is needed. Declared empathy and compassion cannot exist without your oxygen. Our presence of light must be louder than the shadows of fear.

Love can melt steel. 

Love can transform. 

We are starved for it, and aching to give it away. Live the exchange now. It is how we shrink the suffering. We must stand united in the transformation of uplift and compassion. Loudly. Mending wounds. Deflating darkness. Creating a new possibility. 

We are the answer. A supported collective. Honoring life by creating with the same paint brush that created us, and all living beings. We are the call to any question. 

Risk Your Tender Heart

Risk your tender heart

I promise it's worth it